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- Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper (Front Page) Saturday, February 3,1996.
- Sub-heading: Year-long inquiry finds no explanation of UFO that buzzed airliner
- by David Wallen, special to the Globe and Mail
- LONDON - After an year-long formal inquiry, British aviation experts admit they
- are baffled by a close encounter between a passenger jet and an unidentified
- flying object on an approach to Manchester Airport.
- The Civil Aviation Authority said yesterday it can find no logical explanation
- for the UFO, which apparently buzzed the British Airways Boeing 737 with 60
- people on board last January at the 4,000-foot level of its descent on a flight
- from Milan.
- Captain Roger Wills, 35, said a wedge-shaped UFO, emblazoned with small white
- lights, came so close to his jet that co-pilot Mark Stuart ducked.
- The object also was spotted from the ground, yet never appeared on radar
- screens. It made no attempt to deviate and passed very quickly down the right
- side of the aircraft. It made no sound and created no wind turbulence.
- The incident happened at 6:48 p.m. on Jan. 6, 1995, with the aircraft just
- above the clouds and visibility at least 16 kilometres.
- Air traffic controllers had the following conversation with Flight 5061:
- B737: "We just had something go down the right-hand side, just above us, very
- fast."
- Manchester ATC: "Well there's nothing seen on radar. Was it an aircraft?"
- B737: "Well it had lights, it went down the starboard side very quick."
- Both the captain and co-pilot were convinced the object was not a balloon,
- model aircraft, kite or even a stealth aircraft. Captain Wills said he had seen
- a stealth before and thought he would have recognized it.
- Suggestions that the object might have been a reflection from a cloud or even a
- secret U.S. spy craft also have been discounted.
- The CAA's Joint Airmiss Working Group said in its report, published yesterday,
- that it cannot explain the incident, confirming there was nothing else on the
- radar screens apart from the jet in that position at that time. It concluded
- that it was "not possible to suggest either the cause or the risk" of the
- incident. "The reported object remains untraced."
- The report praised the crew for telling their story in the face of possible
- derision from colleagues.
- "It's all a bit of a mystery," a Civil Aviation Authority spokesman said.
- "There was a similar case about three years ago involving Alitalia and it was
- not possible to explain that one, either."
- On the ground, Mark Lloyd was near the airport and says he saw the object, too.
- "There was like a glint in the sky and, as I looked, I could see this
- triangular-shaped object hovering quite high up and it had depth to it," he
- said. "It was rounded off at the back end and appeared to have something like
- back burners." He described a black line down the side and a triangular-shaped
- window.
- When Mr. Lloyd told his girlfriend what he had seen, she said he was "talking a
- load of codswallop."
- Later, he telephoned the airport and was put through to the control tower.
- Mr. Lloyd said yesterday he was relieved that the official report backed his
- version with the words of the air crew.
- While the incident has baffled aviation experts, it has delighted UFO
- enthusiasts. The word of pilots, they said, might give some credibility to
- their favourite subject.
- "Now that the CAA have actually come out with a statement saying it was
- unidentified, we shall go straight back to them and try and get them to say
- more," said Eric Morrison, one of Britain's leading exponents of UFOs and
- extraterrestrails.
- One of the best authenticated UFO sightings was made by the crew of one of the
- Apollo space missions, when an object tracked the spacecraft for some minutes
- before moving off at high speed. The astronauts told Houston they were being
- tailed, adding: "We'll assume it's friendly."
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